Jose M

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They told me jump and I did it, but once I was on the air it was too late to go back into a save place.

They told me jump and I did it, but once I was on the air it was too late to go back into a safe place.

Hi! I’m Jose, and I live and work in Pisa. Culturally, there are not many differences between my home country (Spain) and Italy, but even so many things have surprised and puzzled me. One of the things that surprised me a lot was the disbelief of the local people when I tell them that I decided to move from the big city (Barcelona) to a small one!
My research is mainly focused on creating a new computational tool to study sources of low frequency noise for Earth-based GW detectors. For this reason, I’ve been asked many times whether I’m a physicist or computer scientist. And even though I consider myself a physicist, the border between the disciplines is pretty vague for me.
Beyond my research activity, there are lots of things I like, mainly based on enjoying the world outside the office (checking that the sun is still there is always nice). During my free time I prefer to use my computer as little as possible and enjoy outdoor pursuits. I will talk about both my leisure activities and my work more in future posts, though – I hope it will be very soon!